Ten Books I Really Love But Feel Like I Haven’t Talked About Enough


Today’s Top Ten Tuesday, run by the wonderful The Broke and the Bookish, is a great first Top Ten Tuesday for me. I get to rave about some of my past beloved books since I’m new to blogging and haven’t talked enough about any book. The titles chosen below all have a special place on my shelves and in my heart!


1) A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas – Of course I had to talk about this book! I absolutely adore Feyre, an independent woman who makes her own decisions and bows to no man. Plus, I cannot get enough of the world Maas has built. It sucked me in from the very beginning and I don’t think I’ve ever been let out! I’m lucky enough to have read the next in the series too (review coming soon) and I dare to say it’s even better than the first. This has to be one of my favourite books so no matter how much I talk about I guess it will never feel like ‘enough’!


2) Rot & Ruin Series by Jonathan Maberry – This series tackles the zombie apocalypse in a way you have never seen or read before. I seriously hope that this series gets made in to a film so that it gets the recognition it deserves. It is filled with lots of adrenaline pumping moments but is also very moving at times. It’s an emotional rollercoaster of a book which I cannot recommend highly enough to all types of readers, boys and girls alike but especially those who are fans of apocalyptic novels.  I finished all four in the series in 10 days so be prepared to give up all your free time when you start these!

Burning Midnight3) Burning Midnight by Will McIntosh – Burning Midnight has a unique concept that kept me turning the pages. There are spheres hidden on earth of all different colours, each colour representing a power. When one consumes the sphere they gain that power which makes the spheres the best currency going. HOWEVER, watch out for the massive plot twist. What is it you ask? Read it and find out!Potion Diaries

4) The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward – This  is one of my favourite reads of last year and will resonate with younger fans of ‘The Hunger Games’. The magical mixes with the modern in this tale where its a race against time to save a princess from a love potion gone wrong.  A lovely, refreshing read.
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5) Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld – This is more than your average superhero story and has some things in common with the TV programme Misfits. A group of teens are given powers one day but struggle getting used to them. They aren’t your average powers either – being forgotten, manipulating electricity, knowing the truth – skills that have a negative side to them as well as a positive one. A terrific new story from Westerfeld, author of the Uglies series (which you should also totally read!)

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6) The Big Lie by Julie Mayhew – I am a major historical fiction fan so this book was right up my street and is one of the best reimaginings I have read. If Nazis had won World War Two where would we be now? This is a compelling and thought-provoking read that looks at the brainwashing process of indoctrination.  This is a hard-hitting book that will make you question what it truly means to be good.

7) We Are All Made of Molecules by Susin Nielsen – I will be doing a full review of this book when the paperback edition comes out so I won’t go in to too much detail but be prepared to fall in love with this fantastic YA Novel. It discusses a whole bunch of important themes such a grief, bullies, homophobes and sexual assault but manages to remain touching and comical throughout. You will laugh and you will cry but you will love every page of it!dark days


8) The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman – I am obsessed with this book to say the least! When I was told think Jane Austen crossed with Cassandra Clare, I was a bit unsure of how that would come together. But, trust me – it really, really works. The huge amount of research done on the Regency period is clear in its delicious details. This is an undeniably brilliant book. If you want to chat all things Dark Days do not hesitate to contact me as I could talk about it forever….


9) Othergirl by Nicole Burstein – All of my other chosen books are quite hard-hitting or have immense other-world building whereas this book is more of a light-hearted read. It is a comical story about what life is like being best friends with a superhero. The friendship at the heart of this book brings a lot of fun dialogue to the table whilst importantly reminding ubirds that you do not necessarily need superpowers to be a hero.

10) Bird by Crystal Chan – WARNING: This is a real tear-jerker. Bird explores the issue of grief and how a tragedy affects the family unit. Touching and beautifully told, this is a story that demands your attention from start to finish.

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